Monday, 18 May 2015

Monday 18th May: Lisbon

As it was going to be another hot day we got up early again - our first stop was Castelo de Sao Jorge which is situated on top of a hill overlooking Lisbon. Our choices of getting there were by tram (too crowded), walking (too knackering) or the cheats way, which was taking two lifts up the hill, although we did have to walk up the last bit up of the hill to get to the castle and we were sweaty messes by the time we got there (muttering to ourselves, between puffing and panting, that we were glad we didn't have to walk the whole way!).

Peter taking a rest outside the castle!

As we are at the highest point in Lisbon the views were amazing and we could see for miles. We enjoyed looking at the views and walking the ramparts around the castle.

We could hear peacocks calling but we couldn't see them, until we noticed one of them was up a very tall tree - I told Peter not to stand underneath it because, from that height, if it pooed it would knock you out!

The peacocks at the castle

We then walked down the hill, through the small streets and alleyways, to the cathedral. With so many small alleyways we were a bit lost and stopped to look at our map - a local, an old man, stopped to help and even though we weren't speaking the same language me shouting 'cathedral' at him, and lots of pointing and nodding, got us on our way and we soon got to our destination!

Typical street near the castle
The Se Cathedral

After lunch outside in one of the squares we had a look rounds the shops in the Chaido area, and visited the ruins of the Carmo Convent. The 1755 earthquake caused the church, which was the largest in Lisbon at the time, to collapse leaving the roofless building open to the sky all that remains of the arches and rubble that caved in on the congregation as they were attending mass.

The Carmo Convent

There is a small museum at the ruins which we had a look round and one of the items was a mummified girl which Peter said reminded him of me - the cheek!

Peter is the one at the back!

This evening we went to another tapas restaurant and had a very nice meal - it was more nouveau tapas (with a modern twist) but still very nice.


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